‘My’ Bobby McGee
Bev Carpenter (USA)
‘O’ Senorita
Mick Herbert (UK)
‘R’ Suspicious Minds
Frances Lind, Joyce Peloian & Gary McCrea
‘Round Here (P)
Wanda Ryder
Linda P (USA)
’til I Stop Dancing (It’ll Never Happen!)
Jan Wyllie (AUS)
‘Til I’m Passed Out
Andrew Locke (USA)
‘Til The End of Time
Alison Metelnick (UK)
‘Til The Love Runs Out
John Meijer
‘Til the Sun Came Up
Gitte Voigt (DK)
’til The Sun Falls
Gaye Teather (UK)
‘Til We Can’t (P)
Tom Weller (USA) & Sherry Weller (USA)
‘Til You Can’t
Cristina Sahoo (USA)
‘Til You Can’t
Gary O’Reilly (IRE)
‘Til You Can’t
Georgie Mygrant (USA)
‘Til You Can’t
Pamela Ratz (USA)
‘Til You Can’t (P) (fr)
Johnny (FR)
‘Til You Can’t Ez (fr)
Séverine BERTHE (FR)
‘Till the End
Georgie Mygrant (USA)
‘Tis So Sweet to Walk With Jesus (주와 같이 길 가는 것)
Han Myoungmin (KOR)
‘U’ Named It Bubba
Malcolm Russell (UK)
‘Will Survive
Wiesye Baraoh (INA)
‘zat You, Santa Claus?
Mare Dodd (USA)
“A Bar Song”
Ben Murphy (DE)
“B” Happy
Southern Maryland Boot Scooters
“Baby” Baby Face
Claire Denney (CAN)
“Been Their” First
A.T. Kinson (USA) & Alan “Renegade” Livett (UK)
“Believe” In Country
Roz Morgan (USA)
“Betty Boop” Swivel
Betty Campora (USA)
“Bluebird” in My Heart
Deborah Rediger Siebert (USA)
“C” Me
Nikki Roman-Wyllie (USA) & DJ Maxx (USA)
“Crazy” Mambo Italiano
The Man In Black (UK)
“Glynn” Valley of My Heart
Sandy Kerrigan (AUS)
“Go” To The Max
Thelma Max (USA)
“J” Walkin’
Michael Seurer (USA)
“Just” Bobbi (With an I)
Kirsthen Hansen (DK)
“Linda Lou” From Baton Rouge
Susan Brooks (USA)
“M” Bones
Tommy Bailey (USA)
“New” Tulsa Shuffle
Donald E. Kaneski (USA)
“P.S.” Let’s Dance
Paula Smith (USA)